Monday, March 18, 2013

The first run...

So a bit of an intro is probably the way to start, huh?  We'll start with the fact that I don't run.  Ever.  Never have, and often said I never would.  But this past year I've had a nagging recurring dream where I'm running some crazy long distance and loving it.  I feel like a gazelle, loping through the grass.  Then I wake up and realize I'm more similar to a hippo than a gazelle.

So I made a deal with my wonderful husband.  I love Disney World (and he tolerated it in October) and I decided to make that my motivation.  Joe says we can go back to Disney when I run the Princess Half Marathon (in the interest of full disclosure, I'm possibly switching to the Food and Wine Half, but as long as it's a half marathon it counts).   So I'm starting to train now.  And I'm going to log how many miles I run in my training to see how long it takes me to "run to Disney World."  Using google maps and calculating the distance from my house to Magic Kingdom, I need to run 982 miles.  I did the first 1.5 today.  It's a start!

Oh, I should say that I did not run all 1.5 miles today.  I walked/jogged it.  And that's okay:)  I did a 5 minute warm up walk, alternated running 1 minute and walking 1.5 minutes 4 times and then pooped out and just walked the rest.  I had a killer cramp in my calf but I'm still proud of myself!  I have also agreed to walk/jog a 5k in July (the color run) with my friends Joe and Sarah, who actually are runners.  I think I'll be doing another color run with my friends Morgan, Jessica, and Shirley (possibly others) in August and then I would like to make it my goal to actually "run" the North Salem Old Fashion Days 5k on labor day weekend. We'll see how it goes!  Today was cold and rainy so I'm pleased that I got out and did it.  I feel sore but great!

Miles to Magic Kingdom: 982
Miles today: 1.5
Miles left to go: 980.5

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